Infaq Foundation

Main Program

Education Program and Waqaf School

Yayasan Infaq Malaysia

Education is the main human capital in the initiative to build a developed country.

Yayasan Infaq Malaysia takes proactive steps in bringing expertise from around the world to Asnaf children, especially in Malaysia.

Integrated and comprehensive guidance is provided during and after school hours.

This is very important for us in building a cohesive personality to prepare of the new generation to face a world full of challenges and competition.

With the existence of strategic partners at home and abroad, YIM is confident of being able to create a high-impact and comprehensive educational program.

Ibadah Akikah & Qurban

Yayasan Infaq Malaysia

Aqiqah and Qurban worship have been integrated into Malaysian society.

Every time a new child is born, it is customary for a couple to perform the aqiqah.

Yayasan Infaq Malaysia (YIM) provides local aqiqah packages where distribution is made to the most needy Asnaf, namely, Asnaf children.

YIM will coordinate the distribution of food/aqiqah to appropriate and qualified homes.

YIM also provides an overseas qurban/aqiqah package for any participant who wants to visit to the country for on site service.

This allows participants to see for themselves the atmosphere of slaughter and make their own distribution in the country concerned.

Indirectly, YIM provides a platform to cater to the Asnaf group not only in Malaysia but also abroad.

Food Distribution to Asnaf

Yayasan Infaq Malaysia

Yayasan Infaq Malaysia also offers distribution of hot food (ready to eat) to Asnaf Children target group throughout Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

This program also accepts the participation of any individual who wants to clear Kaffarah and Fidyah debts and give food to Asnaf Fakir and Asnaf Fakir Poor.

This program is very suitable for public and private employees who are busy with work and do not have time to manage the distribution of this kaffarah and fidyah food in the city.

YIM also provides catering for wedding parties to cater to Asnaf children.

This is an opportunity for Asnaf children to attend a festive event and eat delicious food because most of them have not had the opportunity before.